
Supporting statement from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health


Supporting statement from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health This is a significant and very welcome publication.The CIEH historically has been in the vanguard of national efforts to improve housing stock and tenancy condition, not least through its central role in the development of the housing health and safety rating system, whose methodology [...]

Supporting statement from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health2017-09-29T00:05:02+00:00

Caux Forum – Invest in Peace Conference 13-16th July 2017


The Forum is hosted by Initiatives of Change The Forum is hosted by Initiatives of Change, an international 3rd Sector community in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Development Council.  People working on leading initiatives to accelerate delivery of UN Sustainable Development Goals come together, connect and engage to support [...]

Caux Forum – Invest in Peace Conference 13-16th July 20172017-10-06T18:01:23+00:00
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